Tomi Lahren Sues Glenn Beck and The Blaze for Wrongful Termination Over Pro-Choice Stance

The Blaze claims Tomi Lahren has not been terminated.

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Tomi Lahren is reportedly suing The Blaze and its founder Glenn Beck for wrongful termination over remarks she made while on The View. Back in March, Lahren admitted on the morning show to being pro-choice, saying, "I can sit here and say that as a Republican, and I can say, you know what? I'm for limited government, so stay out of my guns and you can stay out of my body, as well." After The Blaze initially handed down a one-week suspension over her "controversial" stance, Tomi was "banned permanently" from the conservative network. 

Earlier today, Lahren posted the following tweet, possibly in reference to her lawsuit.  

Lay down and play dead really isn't my style. #FinalThoughts

— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) April 7, 2017

However, The Blaze counters that Lahren is not only still employed by the network, but she's also getting paid. "It is puzzling that an employee who remains under contract (and is still being paid) has sued us for being fired, especially when we continue to comply fully with the terms of our agreement with her," a spokesperson for The Blaze said. 

Lahren's suit claims that an HR representative reached out to inform her that she was being terminated, and told her to "remain silent" about the situation. The lawsuit alleges that the backlash from Beck and The Blaze is a "public smear campaign" against her. "Beck and others associated with [The Blaze] have continued to knowingly, intentionally, and/or consciously attack Plaintiff in wrongful retaliation for Plaintiff having expressed her personal viewpoint on a public television show," the suit asserts. 

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