Hate in Action: Watch a County Clerk in Kentucky Deny Same-Sex Couple a Marriage License

Want to see what hate looks like? Watch this video of a same-sex couple in Kentucky being denied a marriage license.

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Surely, you're well aware that it's the year 2015. Sadly, a few staunch bigots (many of whom hold public office or host terrifying TV shows) remain steadfast in their quest to reverse all social progress by any means necessary. Such was the case when Rowan County Clerk Kim Davisrefused to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple in Kentucky on Monday. Thankfully, the incident was filmed (see above) and has promptly gone quite viral indeed.

"We’re not issuing any licenses,” an employee says in the clip. “We’re just not gonna at this time, not even for other people. I’m sorry. That’s her choice. We have the right, too, as a Christian, she feels, not to issue this.” Of course, the "she" in question here is the aforementioned Kim Davis — who makes a brief cameo near the end of the clip. David V. Moore and his partner have been together for 17 years, though hatred hiding behind the guise of religion is currently preventing them from marrying.

It's worth noting that Davis is already being sued by the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky on behalf of four couples, meaning her throne of stupidity should start to crumble soon enough. On June 26 of this year, the United States became the twenty-first country to legalize same-sex marriage — meaning people like Kim Davis are dumbfoundingly delusional in their so-called convictions.

2015 has no room for bigots.


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